Saturday, July 12, 2014

DuPont's Conflict of Canola Interest

Canola is in nearly everything. It is not healthy. And it is almost all GMO. I avoid any product with Canola unless it expressly reads Organic GMO free Canola. -- GFL

"DuPont's GMO Canola "safety study" has been exposed for what it truly is. Industry funded pseudo-science. Or perhaps nonsense is a better word. Both the test group and the control group were fed GMOs laced with Roundup.
The study was funded by DuPont, performed by DuPont employees and published in the Journal of Food & Chemical Toxicology, which is controlled by Dupont. And the biggest farce... the DuPont authors declare in their paper that "there are no conflicts of interest" – despite the fact that they are employees of the company that stands to profit from the market authorization of the GMO in question. And Bryan Delaney, the first author of the DuPont study, is also managing editor of FCT. That interest too goes undisclosed.
Yes, this is the same journal that retracted the 2 year independent 3 times peer reviewed Seralini GMO long term toxicity study which found that rats fed Roundup Ready GMO corn developed mammary tumors, organ damage and died prematurely. The Seralini study was republished in the Journal of Environmental Sciences Europe. And so goes the regulatory approval process for GMOs.
This leads us to ask: Do you feel safe?"

credit: GMO FREE USA