Monday, May 26, 2014

GMO Grass: Play Ball on the Cancer Causing Round Up Soaked Grass

Say good bye to grass fed beef.

This GMO was just  passed on through the FDA and USDA --

Drum roll..... it is being seeded on employee lawns NOW--- will be avail commercially next yr 2015 and in the big box stores by 2016 for the neighbors to incorporate into their lawns--- Scott's GMO  Kentucky Bluegrass has 
been modified to protect it from being killed by Roundup produced by Monsanto.

Round Up is very toxic, recent study found that the inert undisclosed ingredients combined with the active ingredient Glyphosate is 125X more toxic than the active ingredient alone. Yet Monsanto only 'safety tested' Glyhosate. Why is this poison being sold to families, farmers, or anyone ever??

Why isn't the other 97% disclosed?

--- All grass will be gmo --- 

Pollen drift on a good day can be as far as 500 miles. 

Biotech Buttkisser #1; USDA Secretary Tom Vilsack has urged caution as there can be cross contamination--- (and complete list on why Vilsack is a fox in the henhouse for Monsanto) yet, the Scott's employee's are essentially having their own open air test fields being told by Scotts to seed their lawns with the grass. Scott's is  being expected to police themselves.Yes, that is as dumb as it sounded in your head when you read that sentence.

 What the hell!  How can a company unleash things like this into our Environment and we would be ok with this? 

South Carolina, we have to get vocal on this. Or your kids could be playing on GMO grass growing in soccer fields, baseball fields, parks, schools and where ever else the GMO pollen drift goes. 

GMO Grass: Green, Lush--and Toxic

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