Saturday, March 1, 2014

Dirty McCrory creates filth in the Dan River

South Carolina should be very concerned about the environmental disasters that are taking place in our neighboring states.

What does this have to do with food?

When you poison the waters and the land, food will not grow, no matter how much we label it.

The Dan River has been exposed to 35 million gallons of coal ash and waste water per a study done by Wake Forest University. This is the third largest spill of its kind. (source)

And as the saying goes, shit rolls down hill..

Hey there SC and GA didn't see you there--- ((Wink-- Wink))

 Why are conservative states so pro corporation? Because that is where the money is. They can distract the Women by whipping them up into a "Save the Babies from Abortions" frenzy and whip the men  up by claiming they are coming for the 'gun and want us all in FEMA camps".  This kind of control is what happens when you under fund Education. All the smart people leave the State and you are left with those with few options, low IQ, and easily manipulated. How else can a large demographic repeatedly vote against its own best interests? Over and over again. 
Conservative states across the board  rank low in Health, Education, and protecting the Environment. Why? Because none of those three things will net corporations or politicians any revenue. 

Dirty politicians like McCrory will likely find plush six figure jobs in the private sector out of state, or high up on a mountain with cool bottled water wondering what all the fuss is about, not having to deal with contaminated water and land like his constituents; who more than likely voted him into office will have to face for the next 20-40 yrs.  

Don't pay attention to the other hand

NC has been imposing tiny fines to keep private lawsuits from forcing Duke Energy to clean up its act. Governor McCrory worked for Duke for over 20 years and arguably he still is working for them. Environmental organizations are fighting against the collusion between the state and Duke energy  do nothing to clean up these dangerous ash piles along NC's waterways.

“Industry does everything they can and gets away with it almost all the time, whether it’s the coal industry, not the subject of this hearing, or water or whatever. They will cut corners, and they will get away with it. " Sen. Jay Rockefeller, D, WVa

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